With so many classes online, many faculty are looking for ways to create and share video with students. This article will help you pick options that work for your needs? We look at several types of videos: feature films, online videos, and your own video files.

Feature films

Sharing feature films has both technical and copyright challenges. Contact your librarian!

YouTube videos

You can either embed or link a YouTube video. You can add a link to a YouTube video by adding a URL resource and pasting that link into the URL area. Or, if you want to show the video on your main course page, add a label resource, select text, and then link that text to your video URL. It just looks like linked text in your editor, but will appear as an embedded video on the course page.

Watch our short video for details on how to include a YouTube video on your Moodle page.

Zoom meeting recordings

If you recorded a Zoom video to the cloud, you can easily share it. Although you can share the Zoom cloud storage link, we suggest sharing via the copy of the video which is already on Panopto.

If you used the Moodle Zoom link to create your meeting, the video is already available to your students. See Using Zoom in your classes is now easier for details.

If you did not use the Zoom Moodle link, your video is still on Panopto. You just need to move it your course Panopto folder to let students view it.

If you recorded the meeting locally to your drive, use the instruction below to upload it to your Moodle Panopto folder.

Upload your own videos

Although you can upload videos that are under 250 Mb in size directly to your Moodle page, we suggest you upload them to your course Panopto folder instead. This generally gives your students a better viewing experience. It will also limit the amount of stress on our Moodle server.

Note that you can then link directly to Panopto videos or embed them on your course page.

  1. If you do not yet have one, add a Panopto activity to your Moodle page.
  2. Then go into Panopto, click on the green create button, and upload media. Once the video processes, students will be able to click on the Panopto link and see it.
  3. (optional) You can also link to the video or embed it. Make sure you have a Panopto block in your course, and that block shows your processed videos. Then, add a Label activity and use the Panopto button on your editing toolbar to select the video you want.
    Panapto button on Moodle's ATTO editor
This video shows how to add a Panopto activity, upload your video, and embed it.

2 thoughts on “Can I share videos with my class in Moodle?

  1. Teachers and students can use video actively, by recording short messages directly into the Atto editor. Instructors can share the link with students or generate an embed code that can display the video directly in platforms like Moodle.


    1. Thank you. That is a great option for videos under two minutes which you record with your webcam. The methods in this blog work for longer videos, including those larger than our file upload limit allow.


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