Do you need webcams, clickers/ laser pointers, USB microphones, HDMI adapters, or the OWL video conferencing system? 

Audio Visual Services and IDTS are excited to announce that we have stocked the VCAM Equipment Cage (VCAM 101B) with a number of frequently requested items such as Webcams, Presentation Clickers/ Laser pointers, USB Microphones, HDMI Adapters, and the OWL video conference system. 

Check Availability & Reserve Equipment

Pick-up/Drop-off Location

The VCAM Equipment Cage is located in room 101B.  

When entering VCAM from the Founder’s Green entrance, walk straight towards the opposite wall and turn left. 

Pick-up/Drop-off hours


How long can I keep equipment?

Borrow items for up to five days and renew online once.

Any questions?

Contact Charles Woodard ( for any inquiries about available gear.