Video assignments via Moodle and Panopto

IITS is happy to introduce a new feature for the Spring 2020 semester. Students can now create or upload video from within the Moodle assignment tool. You can create a Moodle assignment that accepts video submissions pretty much like you create any Moodle assignment. This means that students can now easily upload videos of any…

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Can I share videos with my class in Moodle?

With so many classes online, many faculty are looking for ways to create and share video with students. This article will help you pick options that work for your needs? We look at several types of videos: feature films, online videos, and your own video files. Feature films Sharing feature films has both technical and…

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New option for saving, editing, and sharing Zoom cloud recordings

In mid-July, IITS implemented a new feature for Zoom. Zoom cloud recordings are now automatically copied to our Panopto recording/video hosting system. Once on Panopto, you can edit, share, or delete recordings as you like. If you are using Zoom for an academic course, you can make the copy to go directly into the Panopto…

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From Bluebook to Moodle: Options for giving an exam online

Under the current circumstances, the traditional bluebook is not viable. However, you can use a Moodle quiz or the Moodle assignment to distribute and grade the type of exam that works for your course.  A Moodle assignment works well for collecting final papers or untimed essay questions. For timed exams, or exams with multiple choice…

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The Moodle Assignment: Collect and grade submitted work

The Moodle Assignment module lets you collect student assignments—including research papers, spreadsheets, presentations, photographs, and short audio or video recordings—online. The video below is a great resource for seeing how to add an assignment and to understand many of the most useful options. A text version of the information, along with some specific recommendations for…

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