(This information was emailed to Haverford faculty and included in the Daily Digest)

Monday, May 23, 2022, IITS will archive all Panopto recordings more than one year old that have not been viewed by anybody during the past year

While archived videos are still available, they are slightly harder to find and access. This FAQ should answer questions about what is happening and what actions, if any, you should take.

How can I keep videos from being archived?

To prevent any video from getting archived, simply watch any portion of that video before May 23, 2022.

What is Panopto 

Panopto is a lecture capture and video storage system Haverford uses for recording classes, meetings, interviews,  etc.—as well as storing and sharing other videos. As of July 2020, Zoom cloud recordings are also stored and available via Panopto

What does it mean to archive a video?

Archived videos are stored in a more efficient format that is still available, but not listed with your regular videos and not immediately available. However, they are still easy to find and retrieve. If you wish to view a video that has been archived, follow these instructions to restore the video from the archive. The video will be unarchived and viewable within 48 hours. To prevent any video from getting archived, watch a portion of that video before May 23, 2022.

What will be archived?

Any video created before May 23, 2021, and unwatched since March 23, 2021, will be archived on May 23, 2022. This includes some videos from before Fall 2018, that you may own but need to access via Moodle archive servers, because of changes in how Panopto has authenticated you over the years.

Can I see videos that I created/uploaded before Fall 2018?

Yes. In addition to accessing those videos via the Moodle F18/19 and Moodle F17/18 archive servers, you can email hc-techlearn@haverford.edu.

How can I keep videos from being archived?

To prevent any video from getting archived, simply watch any portion of that video before May 23, 2022.

How can I just get rid of videos I don’t want?

You can easily delete Panopto videos you do not want. While IITS is not deleting videos at this time, we encourage you to delete videos you no longer need.

Can I keep my own local copy of videos?

You can download videos if you are the owner, or if the owner has allowed you to download the video. 

What will happen going forward?

This is the first step in a review of our Panopto retention policy. Over the 22/23 academic year, IITS plans to develop a long-term retention policy for audio and video files stored on Panopto. If you would like to be involved in such a discussion, let us know.

More Questions? Comments?

Please contact hc-techlearn@haverford.edu.